Wall Street Fraud

Stockbroker Fraud Securities Fraud Mutual Funds Investment Fraud

Plaintiff Securities Fraud, Investment Fraud, Mutual Fund Fraud Wall Street Fraud Law Firm

Stock broker fraud and securities fraud were a part and parcel of the economic expansion seen in United States during 1997 to 2000.

The years 1997 to 2001 saw a remarkable economic expansion in the United States. Americans looked to the future with enthusiasm as an explosion of new technologies promised to revolutionize everything from healthcare to commerce. The world seemed to be at the dawn of a new era. Investing became America's great pastime. Rampant optimism was the rule, and Americans were drawn to Wall Street and its promise in ever greater numbers. Millions of Americans, rich and poor, savvy and simple, young and old, were swept up in a wave of enthusiasm which breached all social, ethnic, and political barriers, and raced across the country and the world. It seemed like everyone feared being left behind, causing them to jump on the stock market wave towards a new, brighter future. Millionaires were made as the economy roared on towards dizzying heights. Tragically, circumstances changed and trillions of dollars evaporated, leaving far too many with horrific losses. Now, many months later, hindsight makes it obvious that many investors suffered this fate unnecessarily.

Questionable practices by those in many sectors of the investment, banking, stock brokerage and corporate arenas played a large role in causing investors severe economic pain. Overly aggressive and even fraudulent accounting practices by corporations, as well as the conflicting allegiances of analysts who recommended stocks they themselves felt were poor choices, and a commission system which enticed stockbroker to churn accounts and place investors in unsuitable investment options all contributed to a dangerous situation. The Wall Street dreamscape was a nightmare waiting to happen. Unfortunately, investors are unable to awaken from this nightmare. Lost savings and resources are more than just a bad dream, they affect retirement plans, lifestyles, access to healthcare and related resources, education, and prospects for the future.

At Wall Street Fraud, we are dedicated to offering assistance to those who have been hurt by improper corporate or investment practices. A talented and aggressive legal and professional staff awaits your call to help you recover your losses. If you have such investment losses, please contact us.